11 research outputs found

    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of scientific contributions in agribusiness

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    The agribusiness is a major generator of employment and income worldwide and contributes to food security and nutrition. Therefore, the objective was to perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the scientific contributions in agribusiness. A bibliographic consultation was made in Scopus and "Agribusiness" was used as keyword. A textual analysis was performed on 407 scientific papers from 2020, through Nvivo 12 software using the following analysis codes: Mega trade agreements and institutional harmonization, farm-level technology pricing and contracts, market power related to the mega consolidation of companies, new agricultural technologies, emergence of agrocorporations, institutional land access rules, property rights regimes and their consequences, private enforcement of property rights, farmer class action studies and territorial reconversion. Two more codes emerged in the analysis process: Environmental impact and human health impact. Current scientific contributions in agribusiness are focused on new agricultural technologies (24%), environmental impact (17%) and local actions of farmers (14%). A qualitative improvement of the contributions is observed as more elements that support the complex processes agribusiness generates are increasingly incorporated. From focusing on economic and financial aspects, sustainability-oriented and social commitment domains are now considered. A modern and innovative concept defines agribusiness as economic activities with different forms or models of production, derived from or linked to agricultural products. It considers production-consumption processes and farmers are inserted in a differentiated way according to their economic rationality. These activities are not only focused on the generation of monetary value, but also on the social processes it produces, where multiple actors are involved

    Contribuciones científicas de la agroecología en América Latina y el Caribe : una revisión

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    A systematization and a quantitative and qualitative analysis of scientific documents are presented, which respond: What are the main contributions of research in relation to the demands of agroecology in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)? What factors approaches and methods have been used in time and space? The quantitative approach predominates, followed by the qualitative one, and the mixed one to a lesser extent. The development of agroecology in LAC is distributed in: a country with greater consolidation (Brazil), a larger group in development, another with initial contributions and, finally, one with minimal contributions. The most considered factors in the investigations are the physical-biological ones, followed by the social, economic, cultural, and political ones. Two thirds of the contributions to agroecological demands were: agroecological management, maintenance of biodiversity, self-management and local self-sufficiency, and soil and water conservation. Some contributions have been intensified at present, while agroecological management has prevailed over time. The predominance of conventional research approaches, methods and techniques is evident; the challenge is to generate new ways of seeing and doing research, which allow addressing the disciplinary interfaces of the complex problem in the society-nature relationship.Se presenta una sistematización y análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de documentos científicos, que responden ¿Cuáles son los principales aportes de las investigaciones en relación con las demandas de la agroecología en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC)? ¿Qué factores, enfoques y métodos han utilizado en tiempo y espacio? Predomina el enfoque cuantitativo, seguido del cualitativo y menormente el mixto; el desarrollo de la agroecología en ALC está distribuido en: un país con mayor consolidación (Brasil), un grupo más grande en desarrollo, otro con aportaciones iniciales y, finalmente, uno con mínimos aportes. Los factores más considerados en las investigaciones son los físico-biológicos, seguido de los sociales, económicos, culturales y políticos. Las dos terceras partes de los aportes a las demandas agroecológicas fueron: manejo agroecológico, mantenimiento de la biodiversidad, autogestión y autosuficiencia local y conservación de suelo y agua. Algunos aportes se han intensificado actualmente, mientras que el manejo agroecológico ha prevalecido a través del tiempo. Es evidente el predominio de enfoques, métodos y técnicas de investigación convencionales; el reto es generar nuevas formas de ver y hacer investigación, que permitan abordar las interfaces disciplinares de la compleja problemática en la relación sociedad-naturaleza.Fil: Gallardo-López, Felipe. Colegio de Postgraduados (México). Campus Veracruz. Posgrado en Agroecosistemas Tropicales.Fil: Hernández-Chontal, Mario Alejandro. Colegio de Postgraduados (México). Campus Veracruz. Posgrado en Agroecosistemas Tropicales.Fil: Linares-Gabriel, Ariadna. Colegio de Postgraduados (México). Campus Veracruz. Posgrado en Agroecosistemas Tropicales.Fil: Cisneros-Saguilán, Pedro. Instituto Tecnológico de Pinotepa (México). Departamento de Ciencias Agropecuarias

    Scientific contributions of agroecology in Latin America and the Caribbean: a review

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    A systematization and a quantitative and qualitative analysis of scientific documents are presented, which respond: What are the main contributions of research in relation to the demands of agroecology in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)? What factors approaches and methods have been used in time and space? The quantitative approach predominates, followed by the qualitative one, and the mixed one to a lesser extent. The development of agroecology in LAC is distributed in: a country with greater consolidation (Brazil), a larger group in development, another with initial contributions and, finally, one with minimal contributions. The most considered factors in the investigations are the physical-biological ones, followed by the social, economic, cultural, and political ones. Two thirds of the contributions to agroecological demands were: agroecological management, maintenance of biodiversity, self-management and local self-sufficiency, and soil and water conservation. Some contributions have been intensified at present, while agroecological management has prevailed over time. The predominance of conventional research approaches, methods and techniques is evident; the challenge is to generate new ways of seeing and doing research, which allow addressing the disciplinary interfaces of the complex problem in the society-nature relationship.A systematization and a quantitative and qualitative analysis of scientific documents are presented, which respond: What are the main contributions of research in relation to the demands of agroecology in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)? What factors approaches and methods have been used in time and space? The quantitative approach predominates, followed by the qualitative one, and the mixed one to a lesser extent. The development of agroecology in LAC is distributed in: a country with greater consolidation (Brazil), a larger group in development, another with initial contributions and, finally, one with minimal contributions. The most considered factors in the investigations are the physical-biological ones, followed by the social, economic, cultural, and political ones. Two thirds of the contributions to agroecological demands were: agroecological management, maintenance of biodiversity, self-management and local self-sufficiency, and soil and water conservation. Some contributions have been intensified at present, while agroecological management has prevailed over time. The predominance of conventional research approaches, methods and techniques is evident; the challenge is to generate new ways of seeing and doing research, which allow addressing the disciplinary interfaces of the complex problem in the society-nature relationship

    The Postgraduate Course in Tropical Agroecosystems: Facing the Challenges for Mexican Agriculture in the 21st Century

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    Objective: Analyze the contemporary scientific contributions of the Masters and Doctorate Graduate Program in Tropical Agroecosystems (PTA) taught at the Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Veracruz, facing the current challenges of Mexican agriculture. Design/methodology/approach: A bibliographic search was carried out in SCOPUS and Web of Science, on papers (N = 92) published during 2014-2019 by PTA research-professors. A textual analysis was carried out using Nvivo Software to identify the scientific contributions, based on problematic categories suggested by FAO for Mexico. Results: Scientific contributions are more prolific in relation to the increment of agricultural productivity (66 %), to a lesser extent in sustainable practices (14.9 %), articulation of public policies (10.6%), and initiating in adaptation and mitigation of climate risks (8.5 %). Limitations of the study/implications: Findings excluded publications not indexed in SCOPUS or Web of Science or out of the analyzed period. Findings/conclusions: The PTA shows social relevance in the generation of knowledge, with scientific contributions to the current challenges of Mexican agriculture. However, they have mainly focused on increasing agricultural productivity; this does not allow the achievement of the challenges of the PTA towards research processes aimed at trans discipline. This suggests a new research role that approach disciplinary interfaces.Objective: Analyze the contemporary scientific contributions of the Masters and Doctorate Graduate Program in Tropical Agroecosystems (PTA) taught at the Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Veracruz, facing the current challenges of Mexican agriculture. Design/methodology/approach: A bibliographic search was carried out in SCOPUS and Web of Science, on papers (N = 92) published during 2014-2019 by PTA research-professors. A textual analysis was carried out using Nvivo Software to identify the scientific contributions, based on problematic categories suggested by FAO for Mexico. Results: Scientific contributions are more prolific in relation to the increment of agricultural productivity (66 %), to a lesser extent in sustainable practices (14.9 %), articulation of public policies (10.6%), and initiating in adaptation and mitigation of climate risks (8.5 %). Limitations of the study/implications: Findings excluded publications not indexed in SCOPUS or Web of Science or out of the analyzed period. Findings/conclusions: The PTA shows social relevance in the generation of knowledge, with scientific contributions to the current challenges of Mexican agriculture. However, they have mainly focused on increasing agricultural productivity; this does not allow the achievement of the challenges of the PTA towards research processes aimed at trans discipline. This suggests a new research role that approach disciplinary interfaces

    Active role of flower shops in the commercialization of roses

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    Retail florist activities are essential elements in the rose (Rosa spp.) market since they generate significant income and employment. In these jobs, florists gain recognition by their designs that captivate consumers. At the same time, they are key entrepreneurs in the commercialization of roses. Then, the objective of the research was to know the entrepreneurial role of florists in the commercialization of roses (Rosa spp.) in southern Veracruz, Mexico. An exploratory research was conducted in flower shops, five in Coatzacoalcos, nine in Minatitlán and six in Acayucan. Interviews were conducted with florists (n = 20). The categories of analysis used were the demographic, psychosocial and sociocultural profile of the florists as innovative entrepreneurs. In regards to the demographic profile, these economic agents have the experience and knowledge necessary to develop their activity. In short, florists are identified as family micro-enterprises with establishments that are 20 years old. In the psychosocial profile, florists present low innovative capacity with respect to the composition of their floral arrangements; however, they are characterized as risk takers with the ability to solve problems. Finally, the sociocultural profile demonstrates the florists-intermediary-producers collaboration; such entrepreneurial activity generates economic incentives with local-regional influence. Therefore, florists need to strengthen their links with other florists, producers and distributors to improve their innovative capabilities that will benefit both themselves and consumers

    Efecto de la fertilización orgánica foliar y al suelo con “Biol” sobre el rendimiento y sanidad de maíz (Zea mays), en el ciclo O-I en Sayula de Alemán, Veracruz, México

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    En la actualidad la producción de maíz decrece debido a la degradación de los suelos con niveles bajos de fertilidad, aunado a altos costos de producción y que además las técnicas de producción y las condiciones ambientales favorecen la presencia de plagas y enfermedades, que impacta negativamente sobre la producción. El biol es un biofertilizante que contiene microorganismos que al estar disponibles en las plantas le ayudan a su nutrición y protección (Vessey, 2003), además de ser un complemento a la fertilización tradicional, debido a la actividad microbiana de la que provienen, puede impactar positivamente sobre la sanidad de mazorcas y como tal obtener mejores rendimientos. Por lo anterior se planteó un diseño experimental con el objetivo de evaluar el rendimiento, sanidad y análisis económico de cada una de las combinaciones de biol. La investigación se llevó a cabo en Sayula de Alemán, Veracruz, se utilizó un arreglo de bloques al azar con parcelas divididas evaluándose en parcelas grandes la aplicación de biol al suelo y en parcelas chicas fertilizantes foliares a base de biol. Se obtuvo como resultados que las aplicaciones de biol + harina de ave + melaza mejoraron la sanidad de mazorcas y generó el mayor rendimiento de grano de 2.79 t ha-1, además que los menores rendimientos estuvieron asociados con los mayores porcentajes de daño a mazorcas ocasionados por el hongo Fusarium moniliforme

    Concentración de nutrientes de dos formulaciones de fertilizantes fermentados (bioles) elaborados con insumos locales

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    En el contexto actual de la transición agroecológica, se ha intensificado el uso de fertilizantes fermentados o bioles. El objetivo del trabajo fue comparar la concentración nutrimental de dos formulaciones de fertilizantes fermentados elaborados con insumos locales. Se diseñaron biodigestores artesanales y se utilizó estiércol de ovino y pasto Kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum). Se generaron dos formulaciones: Biol 1 (20% pasto kikuyo, 30% estiércol ovino y 50% agua) y Biol 2 (50% estiércol ovino y 50% agua), las cuales se fermentaron durante 100 días y se tuvieron tres repeticiones de cada formulación. En los bioles se determinó la materia orgánica y la concentración de los macronutrientes N, P y K, así como la concentración de los micronutrientes Fe, Cu, Mn y Zn. El Biol 1 tuvo mayor concentración de materia orgánica, N y Fe (P ≤ 0.05), es decir, se concluye que se mejoró la concentración nutrimental del biol cuando se agregó el pasto en el proceso de fermentación. El uso de insumos locales, de bajo costo y de fácil acceso puede ser una alternativa para producir bioles

    Application of soil amendments and their effect in the growth of heliconia

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    The Heliconias have a great potential as a cut flower and for this reason an adequate management of the crop is important. The objective of this research was the application of soil amendments (Biol and superabsorbent polymers - SAP) and the analysis on their effect in the growth of Heliconia psittacorum cv. Tropica. An experiment was established using a completely randomized design with four treatments and five repetitions: SAP (1 g plant-1), biol (20 mL plant-1) + SAP (1 g plant-1), biol (20 mL plant-1) and one control (without application). A 20 cm rhizome was planted per pot and were evaluated the height of the plant, the number of leaves, the leaf area and the number of shoots were measured. The analysis of variance did not show statistical differences (p ≤ 0.05) between treatments for the variables of the height of the plant, the leaf area and the number of shoots, but statistical differences were found for the variable number of leaves (p ≤ 0.05), and the best treatments were Biol, SAP, and Biol + SAP. With the application of the biol and SAP amendments, it was not possible to increase the plant height, the leaf area and the number of Heliconia shoots. Regarding the application of SAP to the not found significant results in Heliconia, it is expected that treatments with SAP show a better effect in the dry season

    The Productive Orientation of Rural Extensionists in the Regions of Mexico: A Key Element for Agroecological Transition

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    Considering the agroclimatic and social diversity of Mexico, this paper starts by recognizing the potential of rural extensionists within a policy framework of agroecological transition in the country. This paper identifies the types of productive positioning (agroecological vs. conventional) of rural extensionists located across the diverse states and socioeconomic regions of Mexico. This data is intended to outline particular features for the differentiation and targeting of regional strategies to train extensionists according to their regional context. We analyzed 1448 questionnaires gathered in 2019 via the online platform SurveyMonkey from rural extensionists enrolled in the Mexican Rural Extension System (SERMexicano). The results revealed that extensionists mainly identified themselves with the agroecological model. However, a significant proportion across states and regions still associated themselves with the conventional model. Three types of trends were recognized in relation to the positioning of extensionists, namely agroecological, towards neutrality, and contrasting. According to the socioeconomic regions where extensionists are located, diverse inter- and intraregional nuances among these positionings were also identified. Finally, we conclude by emphasizing the need for this heterogeneity to be considered in order to design and implement programs aimed at transitioning and expanding agroecology in Mexico

    Development of the Concept of Agroecology in Europe: A Review

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    The concept of Agroecology is still not widely discussed in European countries. Therefore, the aim of this review is to present a qualitative and quantitative mixed analysis of this conceptualization based on research papers to provide initial answers to the following questions: How has the agroecology been used in terms of social movement, science and agricultural practice in the European countries? At which scales has it been applied? Which factors have influenced its application? Speech analysis and multivariable techniques are applied to systematized information. According to found results, the concept of agroecology is mainly conceived as science, then as practice and to a lesser degree as a social movement. There is a predominance of studies at plot level, with a tendency to include physical-biological factors; and at agroecosystem, regional and agri-food system levels, including designers, landscapes and consumers. There is a conceptual evolution in extensive quantitative and intensive qualitative standings when the agroecology incorporates more factors, such as economic, social, and, to a lesser extent, cultural and political, and becomes more transdisciplinary as a response to more complex phenomena that support the genesis and development of this concept. In this regard, a greater balance between its conceptions (science, practice and social movement) is recommended to achieve a better dialogue between abstract and empirical levels